There are three seminars of interest taking place next week. On Monday, June 27, Dr. Henry Wong will present his talk "Adnectins: A Novel Class of Targeted Protein Therapeutic" in 7-135 Weaver-Densford Hall at 11:00. Dr. Wong is a candidate for the Pharmacologist position in ITDD.
As part of the Medicinal Chemistry Seminar Series, Kathryn Nelson, a third-year graduate student in Courtney Aldrich's lab, will present her research seminar titled "Total Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of the Siderophore Acinetobactin and the Structurally Related Natural Product (+)-Transvalencin Z" on Tuesday, June 28 in 7-135 Weaver-Densford Hall at 11:30. Lunch will be provided, but you will need to bring your own drink.
Lastly, the Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology (MICaB) program will be hosting Dr. Bill Phelps as part of their Career Development Seminar Series. Bill is a Program Director at the American Cancer Society (ACS), and he leads the ACS study section on Cancer Drug Discovery on which I have served. He will be speaking at 12:00 noon on Thursday, June 30 in 450 MCRB, and the title of his talk is "Perspectives on Cancer Research from a Career Path in Academia, Government, Industry and a Private Foundation" and "How The ACS Supports Cancer Research." Bill is a Minnesota alumnus and he received his Ph.D. in Microbiology in 1985 at Minnesota. Prior to his appointment at ACS in 2001, he was a postdoc at NCI and a scientist at Burroughs-Wellcome/GlaxoWellcome/GlaxoSmithKline for several years. Bill's a great person, and he will provide a fascinating insight to cancer research and grant funding. Lunch will be provided, but you must RSVP for lunch here by Wednesday, June 29 at noon.